暖萌合家欢电影《我们全家不太熟》包含的喜剧、亚洲区家庭、亚洲区幽默等诸多精彩元素,集合了西班牙与台湾混血BABY「豆宝」、亚太影后张榕容、金马男星张书豪,以及喜剧明星郝劭文、陈大天等众多知名演员,更有金马影帝陈松勇为电影添彩把关。三个逊爸一个辣妈萌宝当佳。电影讲述即将毕业的大学生威力(张书豪 饰)、大胖(郝劭文 饰)、哑牙(陈大天 饰),对往后的人生正感到一片迷惘之际,赴澳洲打工度假的好友卡卡(张榕容 饰),此时却带了一个初生的婴儿回家,让他们手忙脚乱地被迫承担这突如其来的责任…
暖萌合家欢电影《我们全家不太熟》包含的喜剧、亚洲区家庭、亚洲区幽默等诸多精彩元素,集合了西班牙与台湾混血BABY「豆宝」、亚太影后张榕容、金马男星张书豪,以及喜剧明星郝劭文、陈大天等众多知名演员,更有金马影帝陈松勇为电影添彩把关。三个逊爸一个辣妈萌宝当佳。电影讲述即将毕业的大学生威力(张书豪 饰)、大胖(郝劭文 饰)、哑牙(陈大天 饰),对往后的人生正感到一片迷惘之际,赴澳洲打工度假的好友卡卡(张榕容 饰),此时却带了一个初生的婴儿回家,让他们手忙脚乱地被迫承担这突如其来的责任…
回复 :It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.In the "Long Good Bye" she depicts a seemingly banal story of a jealous and possessive mother (brilliantly acted by Zinaida Sharko) and her poor aloof and lonely son (the only cinematic role by the talented O. Vladimirsky). The story - which is nothing extraordinary in itself - grows into the wonderful and frightening analysis of alienation between genders and generations on the background of the even more frighteningly bleak and dehumanized Soviet reality.Kira Muratova shows the tiny details of everyday Soviet life,and, again , banal as they are ,they are a hair-raising horror.The dialogue is deliberately laconic and void of any sense, showing the ever-growing people's inability to communicate and understand each other.The sound track ( by another under-estimated talent, Oleg Karavaichuk)adds to the atmosphere of hopeless and meaningless existence.Of course,Sasha (the name of the protagonist),will leave his despotic ( but loving!) mother sooner or later, but where for? (c) Author: drbagrov from Taiwan
回复 :故事讲述了朱大德本已退隐江湖,到乡下开民宿,无奈道上兄弟仍来纠缠,始终如影随形,最后被逼的重出江湖,连带把女儿朱小芹、女婿小贺也牵扯进来。而小贺与朱小芹虽“已结了婚”(一直没办过婚礼)并生了小胖,却因误会不断,令朱小芹气的想离家出走......
回复 :加夫列尔(费尔南多·瓦尔沃德 Fernando Valverde 饰)和妻子卡门(西尔维娅·蒙特 Silvia Munt 饰)结婚多年,卡门怀孕生下了可爱的小女儿阿米(Susana García Díez 饰),虽然加夫列尔一心希望生下的是男孩,但依旧十分疼爱阿米。之后,卡门又怀孕了,阿米有了一个弟弟。弟弟出生之后,阿米的境遇开始变得艰难,父亲和母亲的注意力大多集中在小儿子身上,这令阿米心中十分不是滋味。最终,阿米犯下了一生难以偿还的过错。在冷漠和罪恶感之中,阿米长大成人,可她的家庭却早已经支离破碎。一场意外之中,阿米被人侵犯,父亲亦因此终生将要坐在轮椅之上,母亲精神崩溃,与此同时,阿米发现自己怀孕了。©豆瓣