回复 :Almost in breadth and depth of a documentary, this movie depicts an auto race during the 70s on the world's hardest endurance course: Le Mans in France. The race goes over 24 hours on 14.5 kilometers of cordoned country road. Every few hours the two drivers per car alternate - but it's still a challenge for concentration and material. In the focus is the duel between the German Stahler in Ferrari 512LM and the American Delaney in Gulf Team Porsche 917. Delaney is under extraordinary pressure, because the year before he caused a severe accident, in which his friend Lisa's husband was killed.
回复 :混乱年代,民不聊生,逸正阁派刺客四处追杀贪官污吏,慕青是逸正阁阁主爵爷最器重的属下,但一次刺杀行动,慕青遇到了善良的九品芝麻官杭知煜,让慕青开始怀疑自己在逸正阁的意义,她选择相信杭知煜,帮他躲避逸正阁的追捕,但事情终还是败露,爵爷派出慕青从小长大的朋友秦昊,刺杀慕青,秦昊为保护慕青而死,死前得知爵爷乃是当朝宰相,而在逸正阁中一直与慕青不和的醉蓝,开始了对慕青和杭知煜的疯狂追杀。原来,逸正阁刺杀杭知煜起初是为了除掉宁王余党,后是为得到杭知煜手中的账簿,这本账簿乃是当朝宰相贪赃枉法的物证,为了保护杭知煜,慕青被醉蓝划伤,而醉蓝的刀上便是世间奇毒三不笑,慕青命不久矣,但为了铲除虚伪的逸正阁,她毅然决然回到逸正阁,与爵爷展开厮杀……
回复 :一个小偷从暴虐黑帮老大邓波儿的贩毒窝点偷了数百万现金后,在他逃跑的车里发现了一个偷渡者邓波儿怀孕的妻子米娅。邓波儿不顾一切地要回他的钱和他未出生的儿子,派出一队杀手和赏金猎人把米娅和小偷带回来。速度、机智和瞄得准给了他们短暂的优势,但他们的运气能维持多久呢