回复 :冀北白额虎(袁信仪 饰)身背命案,亡命广府,在一家戏班躲藏,却因受到刺激再开杀戒。胆小如鼠的小胆(元彪 饰)被其一路追杀,险些丧命。一代宗师黄飞鸿(关德兴 饰)为人宽厚,行侠仗义。在某字号开张之际,黄师傅携弟子常宽与狮吼堂拉开架势,上演一处精彩的南北狮斗。最终黄师傅得胜,狮吼堂遂将其视为眼中钉,必欲除之而后快。几次暗算失败,狮吼堂找到白额虎助拳。最终黄师傅受伤,常宽身亡。当此危难之时,小胆挺身而出,与白额虎决一死战……
回复 :A man is waiting in his hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic. He is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here, every year. But ocean warming is taking its toll.
回复 :入围第71届柏林电影节全景单元。In a dystopian future, children are considered property of the military regime which trains them to fight in a state boarding school. A Cree woman tries to get her daughter back. A parable about the situation of the First Nations, seen from a female perspective.