《Stargate:贝多Continuum》是《Stargate: SG-1》的大结局,贝多主要讲述Ba'al通过时间旅行回到过去,妄想阻止星际之门项目的诞生,而SG1则必须设法恢复历史的本来面目,并与Ba'al进行最终的对抗...
《Stargate:贝多Continuum》是《Stargate: SG-1》的大结局,贝多主要讲述Ba'al通过时间旅行回到过去,妄想阻止星际之门项目的诞生,而SG1则必须设法恢复历史的本来面目,并与Ba'al进行最终的对抗...
回复 :周公是个70多岁的富翁,因为妻子不能生育,想娶个年轻的姑娘生个儿子继承产业。一次偶然的机会他相中了一个名叫带水的渔家女,于是买了好多时髦的东西送给带水的父母作为聘礼。而正值怀春佳龄的带水却看上了周的手下——风度翩翩的夏公子,夏公子以捧带水做明星的托口哄住她。怎料带水举止粗俗,品性不羁,忍受不了严格的瘦身美体的训练。而一直暗恋带水的炒蚬仔公子娇眼看着心上人执迷不悟地做富贵痴梦,展开了一场谐趣层生的夺妻大战……
回复 :Comrade Draculich is a romantic vampire tale set in the cold war era. In the early 70's, Fabian the vampire returns home to the People's Republic of Hungary from the imperialist west, and immediately becomes a target of the communist secret police. During surveillance, love unfolds between the vampire and Maria, the young female comrade, who is assigned to spy on the mysterious stranger. She must make a choice between a monster and the regime that exploits her. This satirical love story mixes elements of spy and vampire movies. Through its depiction of the paranoid Hungarian communist regime, it reflects on our present, where surveillance is a global concern.
回复 :在冰天雪地上,两个猎人正在捕杀猎物,途中他们发现了只巨型大蜘蛛,两个人在逃亡的时候被蜘蛛给残忍杀害。一群男女来到了......最后人们能不能战胜巨型蜘蛛并把它们消灭掉呢?