视频A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp when they spot the girl's best friend on the side of the road. When they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.
视频A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp when they spot the girl's best friend on the side of the road. When they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.
回复 :A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
回复 :小蜜蜂“玛雅”充满了对外面世界的好奇,决定和好朋友“威利”飞出蜂巢,一探究竟。在路上,结识了新朋友小黄蜂,可是“玛雅”怎知蜜蜂与黄蜂,为了争夺花粉,素来是天敌。面对蜜蜂家园里,篡夺蜂后王位、嫁祸黄蜂军团的阴谋,面对一触即发的族群大战,在这险象环生的大草地里,正义善良的小蜜蜂“玛雅”,能否解开谜团,勇敢前行?
回复 :表面上看来,英珠(金荷娜 饰)只是一个平凡的女孩,有着人见人爱的可爱外表和开朗性格,然而,真实的英珠却是个油头滑脑谎话连篇的女骗子。某日,她带着心爱的木雕前往釜山参加姐姐的婚礼,途中,英珠结识了名为熙哲(姜东元 饰)的男子。熙哲的天真和单纯吸引了英珠的注意,所以,当他准备送给女朋友的传家戒指被盗之后,英珠决心出手相助。可是人算不如天算,英珠不仅因此损失惨重,更是在误打误撞之下被误认为熙哲的女友,住进了熙哲家,并迅速和熙哲的家人们打成了一片。随着时间的推移,在虚假身份掩护下的英珠竟然真的爱上了熙哲,她该如何处理自己的感情?