回复 :Astrid Nielsen, works in the library of the judicial police. Suffering from Asperger's syndrome, however, she has an incredible memory, so she is very useful in analyzing the files for ongoing investigations. The district commander, having noticed this ability, decides to use it to the fullest, entrusting her with very complex investigations which have remained unsolved to date. In addition, also to reciprocate, he will try to help Astrid on the behavioral side, in order to provide mutual help.
回复 :讲述了拥有两个完全不同的人格的男人,和爱这两个人格的女人之间,与众不同的三角恋情的故事。
回复 :许德(林家栋 饰)是智能尊者在许下了“地狱未空,誓不成佛”的愿望后投胎转世而来,许德和名医孙女凤(陈妙瑛 饰)两情相悦,而文瑞公主(汤盈盈 饰)亦为许德的才情所倾倒,命他考取举人。许德拒绝了文瑞公主的命令,惹恼了后者,并且直接导致了孙女凤的死亡。伤心的许德在老布袋(秦煌 饰)的建议之下出家为僧,希望能通过自己的善举使孙女凤重生。在此过程中,太宗(张兆辉 饰)受到了许德的感化,文瑞公主更是忏悔了自己的罪行,出家为尼,谁知许德的种种举动使太后(白茵 饰)大为不满,导致魔僧昊天(单立文 饰)在人间为非作歹,涂炭生灵。