蕾早Conman Leo Garfield is in hot water after accepting a contract to murder businessman Julius Harvey's alleged wife, Gloria. Leo's wife Lily brings trouble too when her old flame Elmo pops up again, years after she abandoned him mid-heist.
蕾早Conman Leo Garfield is in hot water after accepting a contract to murder businessman Julius Harvey's alleged wife, Gloria. Leo's wife Lily brings trouble too when her old flame Elmo pops up again, years after she abandoned him mid-heist.
回复 :你會讓小怪物牠們綁架我們的女人嗎?故事發生於英國鄉間,小怪物碰上熱血警探。不懷好意的外星人在農場登陸,年輕女人相繼失蹤,使夏季舞會上的村民起了疑心。村民很快就和英雄梅歐團結起來,共同對抗入侵者,讓寧靜的英國農村回歸和平。
回复 :大清道光十六年,山东莱州府闹饥荒且瘟疫横行, 贫民百姓苦不堪言。潍县知县包智令搜刮民脂民膏。莱州知府尹不愁深夜亲临潍县衙门,只为皇上钦派的赈灾银不日将要抵达潍县。二人密谈届时将大部赈灾银中饱私囊之法. 忽然灯火霎时间被熄灭!屋外一声“铁猴子”几乎将二位贪官吓破了胆!县衙众兵力战带着猴子面具的大盗,却哪里是对手!被打得落花流水,也被铁猴子捉弄得颜面尽失。没一会儿功夫,潍县县衙被搞得七零八落,让包智令悲痛欲绝的是,他深藏于内阁的贪污赃银被铁猴子洗劫一空!当晚,无数灾民及穷苦百姓受到了铁猴子的救济。铁猴子原来是潍县人人皆知的“白草堂”医馆。而悬壶济世的杨天淳神医就是行侠仗义,扶危救困,劫富济贫的侠盗铁猴子!一日,杨天淳携医药箱来到潍县边界的“春凤楼”行医。是为一个妓女接生,此女名为辛若兰,生育时难产,若兰伤心欲绝,不想妓院狗腿即刻招呼若兰出外接客,竟还拳打...
回复 :Three years after having survived the events of the first film, Michelle (Lexi Dripps) is now in college. However, she is still plagued with the questions of what truly happened after what she believes was only a ritualistic attack that killed all her friends.With the ban on Halloween lifted in her hometown, the sorority girls of Gamma Tau Psi place Michelle and her best friend Heather in charge of the annual haunted house. Unfortunately for Michelle some uninvited trick or treaters from her past come knocking…