回复 :Back Stage is a 1919 comedy, one of the last films that Buster Keaton would appear with Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle before they went their separate ways, Keaton would get his own studio, and Arbuckle got into feature length films.In this film, Keaton, Arbuckle, and others, work as stagehands, backstage of course, in a playhouse trying to help and in some cases, stay far away from the eccentric and diva-like performers. When the performers rebel and refuse to do the show, the stagehands, along with Arbuckle's love interest, the assistant of one of the rebelling performers, perform in their place- including Keaton showing his ability to do butterflies, no handed cartwheels, while in drag.
回复 :林遣都、小松菜奈将主演新片[爱情寄生虫](恋する寄生虫,暂译)。影片由MV、广告导演柿本宪作执导,改编自大热同名小说,故事围绕年轻人高坂由于性格极其天真故而孤零零地过着自己的时光,没有和任何人建立人际关系,也正是因为这样的性格,他决定照顾因恐惧症而拒绝上学的女孩佐薙。高坂对佐薙的厌世态度感到厌倦,但他却慢慢意识到,这是佐薙为了掩饰自己内心的脆弱,高坂开始并变得富有同情心。为了即将到来的圣诞节,两个人决意携手冲破内心的枷锁,并因此相互吸引,坠入爱河。影片将于2021年日本上映。
回复 :保险销售员洪业是个勤快但嘴笨 不走运的大龄男青年,金娜家里逼婚 电话更是叫人头疼。金娜在一家酒店 大堂与欧阳老板见面相亲,同一家酒店 大堂里,洪业金娜相背而坐,在双方都 无法忍受谈话对象的无理后起身相遇, 金娜...