回复 :Chozen is an animated comedy about its title character, Chozen, a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his rightful position as the world's top rap artist. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that is synonymous with rap music. And his new world view has been shaped by his time in prison.- Written by FX Network
回复 :文久三年。倒幕派击败了佐幕派,刀剑的时代宣告结束―――幕末时代。作为刀剑男士的堀川国广和曾经一同被主人用作战斗武器的和泉守兼定,奔跑在雨中的山路。刀剑男士在审神者的激励下,开启了付丧神的道路。他们的使命是将企图改变历史的时间溯行军打倒,以守护“正确的历史”。与陆奥守吉行、药研藤四郎、蜻蛉切、鹤丸国永这些新的伙伴一起,在动荡的时代投身到与时间溯行军的战斗中。刀刃挥舞,刀光剑影。刀剑男士、即刻出阵
回复 :《东京食尸鬼PINTO》改编自《东京食尸鬼》的外传小说,讲述了高中时代的月山习和女同学掘千绘的故事。