菠萝 Two years after the murder of his son and father, a retired hitman sets in motion a carefully crafted revenge plan against the killer: his own brother.
菠萝 Two years after the murder of his son and father, a retired hitman sets in motion a carefully crafted revenge plan against the killer: his own brother.
回复 :2005年戛纳电影节非竞赛单元参展影片。根据法国著名侦探小说作家卡斯顿·勒鲁的同名经典推理小说改编。其最著名的就是《歌剧魅影》、《黄色房间的秘密》与续集《黑衣女子的香气》。这部名作在上个世纪30和40年代曾2度被搬上银幕,法国导演布鲁诺·波达里德斯继2003年《黄色房间的秘密 / 子弹碎尸者》后,再接再厉,2005年又拍出这部续集的最新版本。剧情讲述新婚不久的玛蒂尔德和罗贝尔到他们的朋友艾迪特和亚瑟·朗斯的古堡中度假。不料葛龙迪椰堡一案潜逃的案犯拉桑又再度出现,吓坏了玛蒂尔德。鲁尔塔比伊在圣克莱的协助下展开调查,以揭开了拉桑的真面目……
回复 :故事发生在民国年间,北平第一大神探欧阳明受朋友之邀来到了皖城,可就在他刚刚抵达皖城之际,得知他的朋友因为一份遗嘱而死于非命,而就在遗嘱公布之后,遗嘱所在的索府也发生了一系列离奇的命案,这究竟是一份怎样的遗嘱呢?索府里,又隐藏着什么不可告人的秘密呢?
回复 :Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence. Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and finds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles. Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery. The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion.Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch. Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date. The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be an easy ride. The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fantasy dream sequences, periodically shocking the spectator with graphic images of lesbian sex and a woman being slowly disembowelled. Having several actors playing multiple parts only adds to the sense of artifice and utter confusion, which is a pity as there is manifestly a lot of great acting talent on show – not least of which is Isabelle Huppert. The film’s sheer relentless grotesqueness and self-indulgence is so extreme, so unbridled, so stomach-churningly provocative, that it is hard to take any of it seriously.