回复 :电影讲述了同在一间银行ATM部门中工作的何必(朱亚文饰)与蒙小鲜(张榕容饰),由于公司禁止办公室恋情,正秘密的谈着地下恋爱。与此同时300公里以外的熊仁镇一个ATM机出现故障,取一倍的钱吐两倍的现金,造成银行财产损失。于是蒙小鲜和何必约定,谁先找到被多取得钱谁就可以留在银行,另一个必须辞职。于是一场争钱斗爱的游戏在小镇迅速展开。
回复 :影片讲述了三十年前,乒坛老将杨国强(妹大爷 饰),为照顾孙儿杨双喜(蘑菇头饰),放弃了人生最重要比赛。如今杨国强患老年痴呆,杨双喜得知当年真相,感动不已。为了圆满爷爷的人生,他游说几个身怀绝技的民间乒乓球高手,带着爷爷踏上了夺冠征程......
回复 :Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola y de la Pedrueca, in 1868, accidentally discovered Paleolithic paintings with the help of a hunter named Modesto Cubillas inside Altamira's caves, located in Cantabria, north to Spain. Trying to expose their discovery to the academic world for that they study the paintings, Sautuola crashed against the skepticism and discredit of all experts, who claimed that the caves were false and the paintings made for the own Sautuola, in a effort to get rich. Looking for the truth, Sautuola was the rest of his life fighting to prove that those paintings were real, trying to restore his innocence from the accusations of falsehood launched against him.