回复 :Whitney Cameronn (Cotten), a man with a strong affection for his sister-in-law (Peters). When one of her stepchildren dies, it's revealed that the child was poisoned to death. Whitney suspects his sister-in-law committed the murder and is afraid that her other son may be in danger. The film climaxes during an ocean voyage aboard a cruise ship.
回复 :《激情之罪》讲述的是亚瑟和丽贝卡是一对情人,她们将制定一个计划,杀死丽贝卡的丈夫,夺得他的财产,一切局情为了这个计划而战……
回复 :派屈克與父母到小島渡假,不料遭到不明生物攻擊,他的父母因而喪生!劫後餘生的派屈克因打擊過大而精神失常,心理學家為了幫助他療傷,特地帶他重回舊地,卻再度遭受擊…。後來才發現,因為石油公司在小島進行鑽探工作,破壞了自然生態,讓巨型蜥蜴科摩多產生攻擊性,他們能夠全身而退嗎?