回复 :This documentary special takes us on a journey through the “day that will live in infamy,” by exploring the biggest stories and lesser known details that still surprise us 75 years later. Accounts from experts, military minds, and even those who lived through it, will show how this tragedy continues to shape our country today.
回复 :狗可能是人类最好的朋友,但对许多人来说,猫也是我们忠实的伴侣--即使你问猫,它们可能不会承认这一点!《我爱我猫》通过世界上一些最引人注目、最令人惊讶的“爱猫人士”的镜头来探索我们与猫的迷人关系,无视人们对爱猫人士的负面成见,同时揭示了与这些极其独立、神秘的生物有着深厚纽带意味着什么的基本事实。
回复 :Four adventurous teams of paranormal investigators will be hand-picked and given the chance to participate in the most extreme Paranormal experiment of all time. If any of these teams can last 28 days in a terrifying, haunted location, they’ll gain acclaim and recognition for being a part of the most important advancement in paranormal research in the last several decades.