回复 :New York pretentious Diana Sullivan is writing a series of articles on the theme of "family" for Cosmopolitan magazine. Primarily to keep an eye on her but also because of the personal connection, Diana invites her mid-teen daughter, Grace Sullivan, to accompany her on a trip to research the next in the series, dealing with their own family, most specifically a wing that lives deep in the backwaters of the Louisiana bayou, which has been largely overtaken by oil companies of late. They are most directly connected by brothers: Diana's grandfather Mike, and Joe, the patriarch of the Louisiana wing. Diana and Grace have never met their Louisiana relations, they in turn who do not even know that Diana and Grace exist. As difficult as it becomes, Diana and Grace are able to meet their Louisiana relations, led by Joe's widowed young wife, Ruth Sullivan, who acts as if Joe is still with them, who sees anything related to the city as suspect, and who rules her household with an iron fist to ...
回复 :耀眼的自然风光,奥斯卡奖提名导演:马库斯 依穆胡夫足迹踏遍全球,途径加利福尼亚州,瑞士,中国和澳大利亚,探寻濒临灭绝的蜜蜂种族。这是一次比以往任何有关蜜蜂主题的电影都更雄心勃勃的电影。爱因斯坦说过:如果蜜蜂绝种,人类也活不过四年。蜜蜂的末日,已近在咫尺,大陆正用人手传播花粉!纪录片名导蛰伏多年再出手,全因家族是养蜂人,爱蜂如命。严可夫走遍四大洲,揭开蜜蜂不住消失的真相。自由市场大量生产的制动一开,生产线最底层的蜜蜂最受压迫,恶菌、杂交、农药、抗生素、人为迁徙,在在都极致命。先进摄影技术令我们身处蜂巢,鑽进蜂群,更见证蜂后空中交配。犹如蜜蜂主观镜诉说的一部动听警世的《摩登时代》,去年最令人期待的纪录片。瑞士电影导演Markus Imhoof的纪实影片《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)用大量的实际素材探讨了蜜蜂死亡的原因。《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)于2012年8月11日在洛迦诺电影节首映影片之所以震撼,还因为它采用的原始素材有105小时之长! 此外,有些蜜蜂的镜头还是由迷你蜜蜂摄影器拍摄的
回复 :混沌理论,一直是困扰人类数千年的一个迷。这种在动态系统中无法用单一的数据关系解释和预测的神秘理论,在科学界只有初步的了解。在本部纪录片中,吉姆·奥卡利里教授将带领我们探索这神秘的混沌理论,试图揭开这层归因于神奇或者上帝力量的神秘面纱。吉姆教授带着宇宙是如何由从尘埃中诞生,又是如何孕育出智慧生命的难题,开始了他的探秘旅程。混沌中的数学可以解释宇宙中从无序中产生有序的神奇景象,他揭示出大自然那些令人叹为观止的美丽和结构中隐藏的科学规律,它是物理定律的固有的组成。看过本片之后,你眼中的世界会变得与众不同。