极速Two sisters at an orphanage find a puppy and hide it. When they are adopted by a couple at Central Park, they bring it secretly with molikan.com them. Even in a big apartment, it's a problem hiding and feeding a growing Great Dane.
极速Two sisters at an orphanage find a puppy and hide it. When they are adopted by a couple at Central Park, they bring it secretly with molikan.com them. Even in a big apartment, it's a problem hiding and feeding a growing Great Dane.
回复 :身为导游的辉与慧是一对同居多年的恋人,二人仅管爱对方,却未提结婚二字,一心只想过着神仙眷侣般的浪漫日子…时移势易,慧渐对这种同居生活感到厌倦,渴望能真正拥有一个安定温暖的家,但辉对婚姻心存恐惧,怕把爱情变成责任,始终不肯向婚姻低头。辉的邻居-肥东夫妇常因各自精彩的生活而视对方甘无物,终日打架吵闹。肥东因好赌成性,欠下巨债而差点成了亡命之徒,其妻莲则不安于现状,经常红杏出墙。二人因此疏于对女儿晴的照顾,更常把晴带到辉家托付辉、慧二人代为照顾……
回复 :
回复 :生长在大城市贫困区的阿强,因为一场交通意外,不仅失去了妹妹的生命,更衍生出来自贫苦环境的压力而造就的社会问题。(via 第二十届上海电影节市民观影手册)