缠绵A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
缠绵A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
回复 :Follows the love story of young Narendra and Ajeng who come from different backgrounds.
回复 :洛杉矶警察杰克墨菲(查尔斯.布朗森)这下遇到大麻烦了,之前与他有深仇大恨的敌人竟然残酷地杀死自己的老婆,并试图栽赃给杰克。即使所有人都认为莫非有罪,他还是成功从监狱中逃脱,只为了报复并抓到真正的凶手,说什么也要洗清自己的罪名。
回复 :荷兰船医达利(小林)因船只故障暂时停留安平港,秀琴(杨丽花)的病,多亏达利的医治得以痊愈。达利和秀琴互相喜欢,秀琴也因此怀孕。就在达利和秀琴准备结婚的同时,达利却因居留证到期被迫离台。回国前,达利将随身佩带的金色十字架交给秀琴,并承诺一定会再回到安平港。时光在等待中流逝,秀琴所生的女儿阿金(林小芳)也已经七岁,达利却迟迟未归,秀琴因身体孱弱,在交代完阿金的身世后便撒手人寰,留下阿金与外公万成相依为命。15年后,亭亭玉立的阿金(杨丽花)爱上了从台北来的医学院学生志强,两人彼此相爱也互许终生,却因家庭背景悬殊,遭到志强父亲的反对。志强即将出国留学,他希望阿金能够等他回来,并约定二年后归国…