中文字幕Dueling high school debate champs who are at odds on just about everything forge ahead with ambitious plans to get into the colleges of their dreams.
中文字幕Dueling high school debate champs who are at odds on just about everything forge ahead with ambitious plans to get into the colleges of their dreams.
回复 :改编自2013年一宗轰动全港的“逆子弑亲案”,张显宗(杨伟伦 饰)联同友人唐文奇 (麦沛东 饰) 于寓所内杀害父母,并进行肢解。案件进入法庭审讯程序,二人皆否认谋杀罪名,两位资深大律师吴冠峰(林海峰 饰)和游嘉莉(苏玉华 饰)分别代表二人上庭辩护,检控官朱爱伦(周文健 饰)却质疑二人早已部署杀人计划,为财谋命似是毋庸置疑。然而在攻守互换后,吴和游两位大律师施展各自辩才,揭露出案情中更为扑朔迷离之处,而唐文奇出庭自辩时更把一切指控推得一干二净。在一幕幕激烈的法庭辩论下,两位被告上演出“天才”与“白痴”的戏码,真相似乎越辩越模糊。九位不同背景的陪审员在休息室展开话语权的角力,同时陷入对与错的正义思辩中。
回复 :健与和两人表面在一家修车厂工作,但实际上却在偷偷兜售毒品赚钱。健的女友怀孕了,他想金盆洗手过好人生,但和的母亲有痴呆症因此需要钱,他带着健在贩毒的道路上愈走愈远,最终引火上身。新锐导演小路纮史曾拍摄过多部颇受好评的短片,而他这部长片处女作即改编自其参展过鹿特丹电影节的同名短片。在片中饰演两位主人公阿健跟阿和的同样是新人演员,分别是加藤晋介以及毎熊克哉,他们同时也是本片的编剧。影片以贩毒群体的黑社会为背景,鲜活地描绘了年轻人之间的兄弟情谊与牵绊,曾入围东京国际电影节表彰独立电影的“日本电影splash”单元,并摘得最佳影片大奖。
回复 :Living with my friend and his wife! The three of us!Ji-soo and Joon-yeong have been married for 5 years. Unlike the first few years of marriage, Joon-yeong is terrified at the sound of Ji-soo taking a shower. However, Ji-soo advances on Joon-yeong more and more because she wants to have children. Meanwhile, Ji-soo's best friend Yoon-kyeong comes back from the Philippines and spends a few days with the couple. Joon-yeong feels his manhood reacting when he see's the young-looking and sexy friend of his wife's...