回复 :一艘名为“格罗莫夫号”的极地破冰船突然遭遇一座移动的冰山。剧烈的碰撞导致一位极地探险家跌入海中。为了对落水者施救,船体受到重创。得知这一情况的船舶总部立刻向“格罗莫夫号”派去一位叫舍普琴科的新船长。舍普琴科比起前船长彼得罗夫更有船长的威严,但他的高压政策也引起了船员们的不满。令船员们更加感到绝望的是,“格罗莫夫号”被困在坚冰中不能动弹,只能等待总部的救援。在燃料即将耗尽之时,他们终于见到了曙光,摆脱困境。
回复 :The eccentric professor Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When the model Penny moves in next to him, he becomes fascinated of her. He drills holes in her walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions.
回复 :On a tramway that connects several of Jerusalem's neighborhoods from East to West, a mosaic of people from different religious and ethnic backgrounds are brought together