日韩While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
日韩While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
回复 : 漫画第14卷(2019年11月1日发售)的动画BD同捆版收录时长25分的OAD。
回复 :来自月球的“机器鸭”阿泥,一个偶然的机会被大草原飞鸭家族的鸭妈妈收养,阿泥坚信自己和其它小鸭们一样,渴望能够展翅飞翔。阿泥身上的超能芯片引来了月球人的追踪,原来阿泥是月球邪恶科学家用来破坏地球大气层的超级炸弹。在土狼们的围追堵截下,阿泥和伙伴们一起南下和迁徙的鸭群团聚。阿泥不顾芯片爆炸的危险,凭借爱心亲情、以及勇敢不服输的精神,最终打败了邪恶的博士,帮助鸭群一起胜利抵达南方。而阿泥也因此实现了自己的梦想:成长为一只真正的小飞鸭。
回复 :娆疆一行归来,李嗣源已称监国,借天子之名四处绞杀不良人,而身为天子的李星云也即将面临一个新的选择……