夏日Academy Award Nominated director Michèle Ohayon's Verite film follows women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds who heal trauma and body image shame through sensual dance and daring pole dance artistry.
夏日Academy Award Nominated director Michèle Ohayon's Verite film follows women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds who heal trauma and body image shame through sensual dance and daring pole dance artistry.
回复 :Jack escapes jail and head to New York city to track down an old flame who has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
回复 :灵感来自于纽约街头篮球的品牌AND1曾颇具影响力,让当地街球传奇人物成为了国际巨星·,但它为什么会走向衰弱呢?
回复 :网瘾少年龙龙被妈妈带到太乙这里治疗网瘾,太乙在试了许多方法后决定用电击治疗法。被经过十几次电击后的龙龙似乎变得正常了,竟然主动要求看书。但是龙龙在太乙与妈妈不注意时又坐到 了电脑前,却呕吐起来,并用笔插死了太乙...