亚洲区Things take a turn as dramatic events unfold after a crime was committed in a village and as the culprit is sought after.
亚洲区Things take a turn as dramatic events unfold after a crime was committed in a village and as the culprit is sought after.
回复 :叛逆粗鲁的15岁少女露露(Chloé Coulloud 饰)和父母生活在法国幽静的乡村中,母亲茱莉叶特(Karin Viard 饰)体弱多病,在露露的记忆中,母亲从未展露快乐的一面,并且经常在夜晚独坐在长椅上,若有所思。偶然机会,露露在地窖发现一张母亲年轻时的照片,相片中母亲裸露上身,笑容灿烂。不久露露从外婆家翻到了一卷录像带,年轻时的母亲和一个名叫雅克(Kad Merad 饰)的英俊兽医相爱,无忧无虑,天荒地老。知道了母亲闷闷不乐的缘由,露露决定安排二人重逢,她原指望如今老而丑的雅克能击碎母亲的幻想,却未想到反使这对老情人的爱火重燃……
回复 :Two detectives are called to a small mining town in the Asturian mountains where a young woman who had been left for dead for months has suddenly appeared, leaving the detectives to question what dark forces are at work.
回复 :冼慧珠的男朋友为了顺利迎娶名门小姐,遂用计将她杀害,还请法师把她的灵魂封锁,使她不得超生。但逃离现场时,法师失误把法器打碎,把令冼的灵魂释放。之后,自杀未遂舞蹈家卢玲在前往参加表演的途中,不慎弄破冼的骨灰盅,之后各种怪事发生在她的身上,原来是冼借用她的躯体,意图向所有仇人报复...