回复 :“我可以错过任何人,但唯独不想错过你。”上官江春(张一鸣 饰)与女友陈星星(于文文 饰)相恋多年,蜗居大城市里打拼,虽然坎坷但女友一直悉心陪伴。当一切苦尽甘来,上官江春却在名利中迷失...他把她弄丢了才知道自己有多崩溃,原来互相深爱的两个人也会走散,嘴上说着走了,但心里却想着回头。如果再勇敢一次,我们的结局会不会不一样?
回复 :阿提拉(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)是匈奴族的年轻首领,在27岁那一年,他杀死了叔叔罗阿斯(安德鲁·普利文 Andrew Pleavin 饰)登上了王座,成为了匈奴王。阿提拉生性暴躁好斗,在战场上所向披靡,为了稳固王位,他甚至杀死了自己的哥哥布莱达(汤米·弗拉纳根 Tommy Flanagan 饰)。在向罗马帝国提出想要联姻遭到拒绝之后,阿提拉名正言顺的向罗马帝国发动了战争。彼时的罗马皇帝沉迷于酒色之中,不事朝政,泱泱大国眼看着就要沦陷在匈奴人的铁蹄之下。无可奈何之中,皇太后将被打入死牢的前军队统帅艾迪厄斯(鲍沃斯·布斯 Powers Boothe 饰)放了出来,要求他领军对抗阿提拉。
回复 :Four desperate teenagers. A night of sexy mayhem. The big city. Or so the plan goes, until a series of misadventures later, Babai, Pele, Ria and Payal end up in a locked shopping mall in the dead of the night. Alone at last... until an old couple appears out of nowhere with a piece of folded leather and a glass container with two dice made of bone. A game. Simple, but deadly. They call it Ludo. A game defiled by a young couple centuries ago. An unbreakable curse, a living board, eons of bloodbath spanning the subcontinent. A game that has reached this city. Not just monsters, but prisoners of fate. Immortal lovers existing under a curse that will not die. They live within the game. Blood must spill. Bone must shatter. Beware the rattle of the Ludo dice.