最稳资源The Goddess tells the story of a sexual assault survivor, who was attacked by her Uber driver, seeking her own justice through revenge.
最稳资源The Goddess tells the story of a sexual assault survivor, who was attacked by her Uber driver, seeking her own justice through revenge.
回复 :故事发生在1909年的美国,西丽(乌比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 饰)和南蒂(阿科苏阿·巴西亚 Akosua Busia 饰)是一对情同手足的姐妹,虽然作为黑人女性她们必须面对残酷的现实,但有了彼此的陪伴,尚可苦中作乐,直到西丽被迫嫁给了黑人男子亚伯特(丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover 饰)。亚伯特性格粗暴,对于他来说,西丽比一个女佣好不了多少,动辄拳打脚踢,他真心爱着的是一个远在他乡的叫做夏戈(玛格丽特·艾弗瑞 Margaret Avery 饰)的女演员。南蒂前来陪伴西丽,亚伯特却因强暴她未遂而将她赶出家门,这一别,西丽彻底的失去了南蒂的音讯。在苦闷的生活中,女人们试图挣扎和抵抗,但最终无一例外的都屈服于歧视和强权之下,夏戈的到来改变了这一切,她独立坚强,从不因为自己女性的身份而有所畏惧,她的乐观给了西丽反抗的勇气,终于,她拿起行李离开了亚伯特,成立了自己的裁缝店,生意红火。而突然有一天,南蒂和自己幸福的家庭再一次出现在了西丽的眼前,出现在了那篇紫色的花海之中。
回复 :1986年的5月16日,大衛和桃莉帶著強力炸彈闖進懷厄明州柯克維爾的一所小學,並挾持所有的老師及學生。數小時之後,炸彈被引爆了,但是莫名其妙的是,唯二的死者竟是大衛和桃莉。存活下來的小孩們回家告訴父母,因為當時有許多「白衣天使」教他們如何保護自己,關在教室裡的大家才得以存活下來…
回复 :A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring Gonçalo Waddington, as Captain Falcão, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible for coordinating the work of doubles) as his sidekick Puto Perdiz and José Pinto in the role of portuguese dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.