好汉Creator of "Sons of Anarchy" Kurt Sutter presents stories of real American outlaws, touching on everything from L.A. gangs to the Italian Mafia.
好汉Creator of "Sons of Anarchy" Kurt Sutter presents stories of real American outlaws, touching on everything from L.A. gangs to the Italian Mafia.
回复 :史上最成功跨界男高音 生涯首张古典 + 流行曲目全精选,歌剧咏叹调、意大利民谣、跨界、流行经典一次收录。巨星云集:流行天后席琳狄翁、传奇金嗓东尼班奈特、金牌制作人大卫福斯特、小号手天王克里斯伯堤、葛莱美女高音玛蒂妮兹,威而斯低男中音特菲而,以及驰名国际的纽约交响乐团。CD版:完整典藏安德烈波伽利纽约中央公园演唱会实况"I cannot help but smile when thinking about the concert in Central Park. It was my father's dream"每当想起纽约中央公园的演出, 我不禁微笑, 因为我实现了我父亲的梦想。”2011年9月15日,纽约中央公园的大草坪涌进了六万多人,他们都是为了 -「安德烈·波切利」。这位史上最成功的跨界男高音,不但拥有金球奖最佳歌曲、葛莱美奖与、奥斯卡奖提名、世界音乐奖等多项殊荣,专辑累积销售更突破七千万张。这场在纽约中央公园举办的免费演唱会,对安德烈波切利而言是为父亲圆梦,现场观众则是享受了一场终生难忘的视听盛宴。【Concerto: One Night In Central Park】完整纪录了这场世纪演唱会,也是波切利音乐生涯的首张古典+跨界流行曲目全精选,透过这张全新影音精选,全球乐迷将共同目睹这历史性的夜晚!在这场纽约今年最大的音乐盛会中,波切利献唱了歌唱生涯跨越流行/古典/歌剧/声乐各领域的代表作,并由纽约爱乐交响乐团伴奏及其音乐总监吉伯特担纲指挥。前半场詮释连串歌剧名曲,展现其精湛的男高音技巧,先是以豪迈爽朗歌声带来著名歌剧「弄臣」中的"La Donna È Mobile"、威尔第歌剧「游唱诗人」名作 "Di Quella Pira",随后与葛莱美奖得主 - 知名女高音玛蒂妮兹带来咏叹调 "Vicino a te s'acqueta",再跟威尔斯低男中音特菲尔、南非女高音普莱蒂颜德,陆续带来 "O Soave Fanciulla"、"Libiamo Ne’ Lieti Calici" 等名作。在歌剧盛宴之后,送上动人名曲 "Amazing Grace"、与传奇金嗓东尼班奈特合唱 "New York, New York"、协同流行天后席琳狄翁及金牌制作人大卫佛斯特带来祈祷之歌 "The Prayer";配搭两座葛莱美奖肯定的克里斯伯堤的浪漫小号,诠释法兰克辛纳屈金曲 "More (Ti guarderò nel cuore)";之后陆续带来义大利民谣 "Funiculi Funiculà",以及重现撼动心灵的成名曲 "Time To Say Goodbye (Con te partirò)",最后压轴演出荡气回肠的歌剧「图兰朵公主」咏叹调"今夜无人入睡",完美结束这意犹未尽的华丽盛宴。美国CBS电视台形容为「世界级的演唱会」、路透社盛赞「一场令人目炫神迷的演出,也是波切利音乐生涯重要的里程碑 」。【Concerto: One Night In Central Park】让波切利实现了父亲期许他能在中央公园献唱的心愿,也让全球乐迷感受到波伽利歌声的惊人力量!专辑曲目:01. LA DONNA È MOBILE - RIGOLETTO02. DI QUELLA PIRA - IL TROVATORE03. AVE MARIA "CENTRAL PARK VERSION"04. VICINO A TE S'ACQUETA - ANDREA CHÉNIER - duet with Ana Maria Martinez05. AU FOND DU TEMPLE SAINT - LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES - duet with Bryn Terfel06. O SOAVE FANCIULLA - LA BOHÈME - Duet with Pretty Yende07. LIBIAMO NE'LIETI CALICI - LA TRAVIATA - with P.Yende, B.Terfel, A.M.Martinez08. AMAZING GRACE09. NEW YORK, NEW YORK - duet with Tony Bennett10. THE PRAYER - duet with Cèline Dion, David Foster ON PIANO11. MORE (TI GUARDERÒ NEL CUORE) - with Chris Botti on trumpet, David Foster on piano12. YOUR LOVE (ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST)13. NEL BLU, DIPINTO DI BLU (VOLARE) - with David Foster on piano14. FUNICULÌ FUNICULÀ - with Andrea Griminelli on flute15. EN ARANJUEZ CON TU AMOR- CONCIERTO DE ARANJUEZ - with Nicola Benedetti on violin16. TIME TO SAY GOODBYE (CON TE PARTIRÒ) - duet with Ana Maria Martinez17. NESSUN DORMA - TURANDOT
回复 :The women who married Henry VIII have become definednot by the way they lived but by the way their lives ended.They are seen as victims of a bloated tyrant, deserving pity, but notrespect. However, have we under-estimated them and are historians right tohave merely portrayed them as bit-part players in Henry's story?Using dramatic reconstruction and passionate narration,eminent historian and presenter Dr David Starkey focuseson the stories of the women themselves, revealing inintimate detail their experiences of sex, childbirth and the glamorous,dangerous life at court, including the deadly intrigues that dethronedthem.
回复 :在三槌家的掌门人高上美夜子(堀江由衣 配音)过世以后,家族后继无人。由于长久以来,三槌家都侍奉着家族的守护神——狐仙大人,所以,当族中长老预测到各路妖怪将被美夜子的两个儿子高上升(水岛大宙 配音)和高上透(嶋村侑 配音)的法力吸引而来时,毫不犹豫的解除了曾经因为捣乱而被惩罚的狐仙的封印,天狐空幻(野上尤加奈 配音)保护三槌家的任务就此开始。自从空和升相遇以来,怪事就没有停止过。空活泼调皮的性格没少给升惹麻烦,但在紧要的危急时刻,也是空将升从水生火热中解救出来。一来二去,两人之间产生了难得的信任和感情。此外,和三槌家本毫无瓜葛的守护女红(早见沙织 配音)也加入到了守护高上两兄弟的队伍中来,不断的吸引着妖怪的兄弟两会面临着怎样的命运呢?