回复 :Sophia's life is turned upside down when she meets Sylvain . She comes from a wealthy family , while Sylvain comes from a family of manual workers. Sophia questions her own values after abandoned herself to her great romantic impulses.
回复 :警车上,落网的连续杀人犯槚津严(绪形拳 饰)神态轻松,并在后来的审讯中拒不交代杀死职员柴田与马场的经过……槚津严出身于信奉天主教的渔民家庭,由于宗教歧视,严家的小船被没收,年幼的严试图反抗却被父亲制止,由此父亲丧失了在严心目中的地位。青年严因偷窃美军设备出狱后与加津子奉子成婚,然而很快又因诈骗入狱。父亲为阻止加津子离婚登门拜访,谁知两人却发生了不伦的关系,再次出狱的严不齿妻子与父亲所为,离家出走,从此开始了伴随杀人与诈骗的流浪旅程。严乔装大学教授与旅馆中的暗娼交好,间歇时仍然犯下累累罪行,而此时与他共居的母子二人,并不知晓身边人是日本知名的通缉犯……本片获1979年日本《电影旬报》十佳电影第一名。
回复 :Cinderella's Hot Night presents a lively retelling of the classic fairy tale...with a slightly more mature, erotic twist. Follow the adventures of the bewildered Cindy as she falls prey to her wicked sex-crazed benefactor all the while pining for her secret love, a noble European Prince. With the help of her smoking hot Fairy Godmother, Cindy finally realizes her dream of becoming a real-life Princess.