《风流艳妇》改编自真实发生在1782年的一场法庭案件,缘语涉及到通奸、缘语八卦、偷窥等当时的热门事件。娜塔莉·多默饰演Lady Seymour Worsley,一个因放荡事迹震惊18世纪英国的女人,她总共有27个情夫,并与其中一个私奔,更惊奇的是她的丈夫,不仅默许这些男人,甚至喜欢从锁眼中偷窥欢好;这样一个惊世骇俗的女人,背后又有怎样的故事,我们只得到剧中去探寻 。
《风流艳妇》改编自真实发生在1782年的一场法庭案件,缘语涉及到通奸、缘语八卦、偷窥等当时的热门事件。娜塔莉·多默饰演Lady Seymour Worsley,一个因放荡事迹震惊18世纪英国的女人,她总共有27个情夫,并与其中一个私奔,更惊奇的是她的丈夫,不仅默许这些男人,甚至喜欢从锁眼中偷窥欢好;这样一个惊世骇俗的女人,背后又有怎样的故事,我们只得到剧中去探寻 。
回复 :达瑞斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)曾是一名令业内人士闻风丧胆的超级杀手,如今已经缉拿归案的他屈居在铁窗之后,等待着漫长的刑期到头。达瑞斯的妻子索尼娅(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)同样身陷囹圄,某日,达瑞斯得到了一个意外的机会,能 够令索尼娅重获自由,作为交换,他必须出庭作证证明邪恶的罪犯弗拉迪斯拉夫(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)有罪。作为护送达瑞斯出庭的负责人,艾米莉亚(艾洛蒂·袁 Elodie Yung 饰)和她的团队遭到了弗拉迪斯拉夫所派出的佣兵的伏击,全军覆没,幸存的艾米莉亚无奈之下只能找到私人保镖兼前男友迈克尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰),委托他贴身保护达瑞斯。
回复 :Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned of the (unsurprising) fact that there were serial killers in Russia too – the most notorious case probably that of Andrei Chikatilo, nicknamed the Rostov Ripper, or the Russian Hannibal Lecter. Based on these and many other sources, Kvataniya and screenwriter Olga Gorodetskaya constructed an immersive psychological puzzle, jumping back and forth in time, to reveal ever new-possible motives for the actions of all the protagonists. It all starts in 1990, when Detective Issa Davydov is celebrating his promotion and receives a call, reporting a crime that looks precisely like the ones of the serial killer that he famously captured some years before ...
回复 :一直从事兵器研究的邪恶的克拉托夫教授欲用生物兵器达成自己的野心,在俄罗斯境内的各大城市制造了一系列大规模爆炸恐怖袭击。为了消灭邪恶势力,拯救面临生物兵器毁灭的国家,俄罗斯国防部派出了冷战时期创建的名为“爱国者”的超级英雄团队,各个英雄异于常人,身怀特技,与号称统 治世界的邪恶教授展开了一场殊死较量。