回复 :A story of two sisters united since a very young age by a shared passion for song. But while Georgia starts a family and a successful singing career, Sadie jumps from drugs to adventure to alcohol ...and as they go their different ways, their old friendship seems forever lost...
回复 :阿齊、阿春和上海離鄉背井來到臺北讀書,大學畢業後便一起待在這座城市。三人住在一起,生活充滿著音樂、電影和菸味,看似過著令人稱羨的藝術家生活,實際上他們只是三個迷惘的魯蛇,沒有工作、沒有方向,更沒有未來。他們在臺北處處失意、處處碰壁,成天想著要離開這座城,而離開後人生是否就能豁然開朗?
回复 :Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.