反毒风暴When an overly ambitious student gets invited for a submarine journey by an eccentric entrepreneur, she comes to realize that deep-down inside people are not who they pretend to be.
反毒风暴When an overly ambitious student gets invited for a submarine journey by an eccentric entrepreneur, she comes to realize that deep-down inside people are not who they pretend to be.
回复 :When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspires a city.
回复 :去年在推特上发生的著名灵异恐怖事件“亲爱的大卫”将被改变成电影,根据推特用户 Adam Ellis他几个月来被一个小男孩鬼魂骚扰的经历进行改编。目前Buzzfeed请到了《小丑回魂》的制片人来制作这一项目。
回复 :雪纳瑞Lucky是千菲菲(娜扎 饰)没有送出去的礼物,陷入了该不该留下Lucky的纠结中,结识宠物医生狗王陈(冯绍峰 饰),又经历了一系列事情后,菲菲才发现自己早已离不开Lucky了;西高地犬波比比爱上了住在隔壁的西施犬Jojo,为了可以天天见面,他们决定让两位主人 相识,向往浪漫的程风(刘以豪 饰)与冷静潇洒的小雪(李嘉琦 饰)就这样陷入了一场爱的阴谋;流浪狗阿宝闯进了朋克少女魏小楠(卜冠今 饰)的生活,但固执古板的爸爸老魏不愿意收留阿宝,为了能够生活在这里,阿宝立志成为一只好狗,在日复一日的陪伴中,老魏也逐渐放下了偏见接纳阿宝……