精品A young fashion designer's life spirals as her darkest inner thoughts manifest into something gruesome- that won't stop growing.
精品A young fashion designer's life spirals as her darkest inner thoughts manifest into something gruesome- that won't stop growing.
回复 :一幅失传了四百年之久的名画最近在韩国突然露面,震惊全国,在韩国最大的画廊悲文画廊总裁裴泰珍(严正花 饰)的主持之下,对于这幅名画的修复工作如火如荼的展开,如果修复成功,这幅画作就将进入拍卖行进行拍卖,极有可能打破韩国历史上最高艺术品价格的记录。裴泰珍找来了技艺绝伦的名画复原专家李江俊(金来沅 饰),然而,李江俊是一位虔诚而又专注的匠人,一心一意想要修复名画的他和唯利是图只为利益考虑的裴泰珍之间产生了诸多的矛盾。与此同时,在巨大的利益面前,社会上的三教九流们聚集了过来,都想要从中分一杯羹。随着名画修复工作的进行,隐藏在画作之后的秘密亦慢慢揭开。
回复 :J.G. Ballard的小说...无语...Most Remarkable Film I Have Ever SeenWhile definitely not for everyone, this movie effectively captures J.G. Ballard's difficult novel of the same name. More visual than literal, The Atrocity Exhibition forces the viewer to re-think the art of film and of story telling. It effectively communicates in a new language that caused some who saw it to declare that it 'changed their lives'. It changed mine as well, although I'm not exactly sure in what way. And while I can't say that I completely 'got ' the story, the story that I got was fascinating and one that I can't forget. I've since read the book and that certainly helped, but it wasn't necessary to enjoy the film. This film stands as one of my favorites alongside the best works of Kubrick, the Coen brothers and Hitchcock.
回复 :龙老四(曾志伟 饰)是黑道大哥,秘密鲸吞了一亿二千万的公款,准备和情投意合的小三阿姗私奔到国外。此事,引起了帮派四大天王的内斗,并引发血案。米探长(林雪 饰)奉命调查,但这人生性胆小,敷衍了事。帮派元老柴叔和小字辈发仔(余文乐 饰)目睹了这一切,觉得蹊跷,怀疑事出有因。发仔的恋人小玲(黄伊汶 饰)总是提心吊胆,生怕他出事,劝他不要介入。仅剩的天王(张耀扬 饰)怀疑龙老四才是幕后主使人,因此派手下前去调查,杀害了发仔的朋友。其弟跑来劝发仔躲避,不幸丧命,小玲也被误杀。发仔愤怒之极,此时抚养柴叔也卷入此案,发仔奋力营救,两人才逃出魔爪。龙老四私奔未成,遭到老婆与养子Peter仔暗算。危急时刻,柴叔与发仔正好杀到,由此引出一段鲜为人知的江湖隐情……