白富美刘晨晨(林心如 饰)和男友小川(金世佳 饰)在机缘巧合下登上了气氛诡异的“天涯号”游轮,丛林并与其他四位身份不明的中奖者一起进入到紧张刺激的夺宝游戏中。然而,丛林意外频发却让这场诱人的夺宝游戏演变成置人于死地的疯狂杀戮。在与世隔绝的茫茫公海上,失魂落魄的几人开始相互猜忌,事情的走向也更加扑朔迷离,而死神却步步紧逼。黑暗的背后,究竟是谁在操纵一切,这对误入魔轮的甜蜜爱人,又将逃向何处?
白富美刘晨晨(林心如 饰)和男友小川(金世佳 饰)在机缘巧合下登上了气氛诡异的“天涯号”游轮,丛林并与其他四位身份不明的中奖者一起进入到紧张刺激的夺宝游戏中。然而,丛林意外频发却让这场诱人的夺宝游戏演变成置人于死地的疯狂杀戮。在与世隔绝的茫茫公海上,失魂落魄的几人开始相互猜忌,事情的走向也更加扑朔迷离,而死神却步步紧逼。黑暗的背后,究竟是谁在操纵一切,这对误入魔轮的甜蜜爱人,又将逃向何处?
回复 :性感美丽的女明星袁晶(唐一菲 饰)的生活正陷入混乱之中,她与一名当红小生发生不伦之恋,背负着“小三”的恶名;另一方面,她的日常生活仿佛被人偷窥了一般,经常有人打来莫名其妙的电话恐吓,这令她精神几近崩溃。为此,袁晶请来自信满满的私家侦探乔凉(林申 饰)调查骚扰者,而这一切似乎比预想的难得多。正是这般难熬的时刻,著名导演崔东明邀请袁晶加盟自己的最新恐怖片《红花泪》。为了躲避种种烦扰,袁晶同意接拍此戏,带着乔凉连同摄制组赶赴安徽泾县某个古老的小村拍摄。在这一过程中,袁晶不仅承受巨大的拍摄压力,而且恐怖如影随形,不曾退去……
回复 :Back Stage is a 1919 comedy, one of the last films that Buster Keaton would appear with Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle before they went their separate ways, Keaton would get his own studio, and Arbuckle got into feature length films.In this film, Keaton, Arbuckle, and others, work as stagehands, backstage of course, in a playhouse trying to help and in some cases, stay far away from the eccentric and diva-like performers. When the performers rebel and refuse to do the show, the stagehands, along with Arbuckle's love interest, the assistant of one of the rebelling performers, perform in their place- including Keaton showing his ability to do butterflies, no handed cartwheels, while in drag.
回复 :A direct sequel to 2011's The Woman.Found at a Catholic hospital filthy and ferocious, feral teenager Darlin’ (Lauryn Canny) is whisked off to a care home run by The Bishop and his obedient nuns where she is to be tamed into a “good girl.”However, Darlin’ holds a secret darker than the “sins” she is threatened with, and she is not travelling alone. The Woman (Pollyanna McIntosh), equally fierce and feral, who raised her is ever present and is determined to come for her no matter who tries to step in her way….