拉辛(阿米尔贾迪迪 饰)因为欠债而入狱,给力在为期两天的假释裡,给力他的女友意外捡到一个装有17枚金币的手提包。拉辛原本想把这些金币转卖还债,但是可卖出的金额却远远不够还债。因此,拉辛决定转而寻找手提包的主人,希望能藉此获得一些奖金,没想到他的这项“义举”却意外在社群媒体上爆红……
拉辛(阿米尔贾迪迪 饰)因为欠债而入狱,给力在为期两天的假释裡,给力他的女友意外捡到一个装有17枚金币的手提包。拉辛原本想把这些金币转卖还债,但是可卖出的金额却远远不够还债。因此,拉辛决定转而寻找手提包的主人,希望能藉此获得一些奖金,没想到他的这项“义举”却意外在社群媒体上爆红……
回复 :哥哥是劣迹斑斑的江洋大盗,弟弟是布道传教的教士,然而阴差阳错下,两人互换了身份,由此各自踏上新的旅程。天使与魔鬼的组合演绎出一段啼笑皆非的故事。
回复 :Can you film me without anyone knowing...not even me?A paparazzi reporter and a female doctor with exhibitionism can't help their instincts. Jae-hoon was a cameraman but he was fired for something and is now a paparazzi. He is known for his neat work but his usual task is catching people in affairs. One day he gets a call from a woman asking him to keep watch on her twin sister. The sister owns a sexual consulting clinic so he goes as a patient. Then he starts to watch her in secret. As time goes, he shows signs of voyeurism and obsesses with her. The doctor's sister cancels her request but it's too late. Then he finds out that the doctor wasn't a twin sister but in fact the client herself and he blinds himself. Did Jae-hoon's voyeurism go away or was he a sexual pervert? Or did he really love the doctor?
回复 :医院内的故事,有情节,有搞笑,有人为了嫖女住院不肯走,有人为了嫖女故意弄出病来,有人在医院里付双倍钱双飞。