春暖A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious Handyman when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.
春暖A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious Handyman when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.
回复 :Yana hates Filipino men. For her, the perfect man is Moon Shi Woo, a dashing Korean actor from the Korean dramas that she always watches. Yana's dream comes true when she flies to Korea to join fans from all over the globe to meet Moon Shi Woo at an exclusive fan event. During the event, the fans compete for the attention of the star, but Yana finds herself falling for Jae, the actor's manager, instead.
回复 :改编自马克吐温经典故事《乞丐与王子》,芭比再次活现银幕面前,以动听的歌声,分身饰演一出梦幻式动画音乐剧!安娜妮丝公主与贫家村女爱莉嘉虽然身份悬殊,外表却长得一模一bbb。安娜妮丝公主遭邪恶的派文加所绑架,爱莉嘉刚巧路过,挺身相救。英俊的邻国国王杜明尼误将爱莉嘉当作安娜妮丝,对爱莉嘉一见倾心。两个真假公主在梦相与童话的时空,展开感人的冒险之旅!
回复 :麦克(特里斯坦·勾贝尔 Tristan Göbel 饰)是一个性格非常内向的男孩,他喜欢上了班上最受欢迎的姑娘塔迦娜(阿妮娅·文德尔 Aniya Wendel 饰)。麦克当然是不敢讲自己的喜爱之情对塔迦娜流露半分的,他只能将这强烈的悸动努力的隐藏在心底。在塔迦娜的眼里,麦克只是一个默默无闻的陌生人而已,这也难怪她没有将自己的生日宴邀请函给他,这令麦克感到非常的郁闷。同样没有收到邀请的,还有班上新来的转学生契克(阿南德·巴特比勒格·楚隆巴特尔 Anand Batbileg Chuluunbaatar 饰),这个行为举止放荡不羁,但是成绩却惊人的优异的怪人刚来没多久就受到了全班人的孤立。在机缘巧合之下,麦克和契克一拍即合,两人偷了一辆车,踏上了自驾之旅。