玛丽A short about what happens under and around us. A chipmunk and a small mouse go on an adventure; they grow and learn about life and its obstacles.
玛丽A short about what happens under and around us. A chipmunk and a small mouse go on an adventure; they grow and learn about life and its obstacles.
回复 :To the south of the Indian metropolis of Surat in Gujarat province lies a vast industrial zone that has been growing ever since the 1960s. Director Rahul Jain filmed the grueling daily routine in just one of the many textile factories there. In the factory, man and machine seem to have fused into one being. It is dark and dank, and barely any daylight penetrates the space. The labor is heavy and mind-numbing, and the work days seem endless. We are drawn into a gloomy world where the cacophonous beat of machinery sets the rhythm of toil. Jain is as interested in the mysterious connection between worker and product (the fabrics are treated mechanically, but also with love) as he is in the degrading conditions. Each shift lasts 12 hours, for adults and children alike, and wages are extremely low. Short interviews are interspersed throughout the observational sequences, some of which are captivating in their beauty while others are painful to watch – such as when we see a boy nodding violently in his struggle to stay awake. (From IDFA official website)
回复 :故事发生在近未来的台湾,一栋老旧的公寓中,颓废堕落的红男绿女恣意浪费青春,荒度人生。少顷,一名妙龄女子送来快递,快递中藏着从美国寄来的毒品。男男女女嗑药享受,浪荡逍遥,谁知刚才还款款动人的女子突然竟变成丧失人性、嗜血如命的恐怖丧尸。丧尸对惊慌失措的生者展开残酷的杀戮和审判,快乐地瞬间变成了修罗场。与此同时,一支缉毒小分队闯进公寓,对某单元的贩毒分子展开围捕,他们在付出沉重的代价后总算将毒贩击毙,正当小队准备撤退时,却和另一头的僵尸大军遭遇。绝命之日,无人能免,恐怖丧尸横行遍野,整个城市都彻底沦陷……
回复 :生活在2037年的6262(夏文汐 饰)一天在与丈夫吵架后开快车,不慎撞入了时光隧道。眼前奇怪的景象让她不知身在何处,随后她便认识了经营糖果厂的方中信(方中信 饰),她才知道原来自己回到了50年前的1987年。6262化名陆宜,暂住在方中信家中。为了可以顺利回家,陆宜把自己的身世告诉了方中信,中信也答应帮她找科学家设法让她到2037年。陆宜在这里看到了自己母亲的童年,她对不幸的母亲非常怜惜。原来,陆宜是随时可以回去的,只是因为方中信已经爱上了她,想她能多陪在自己的身边。陆宜还是想念自己在2037年的孩子的,而且属于陆宜世界中的政府开始有所行动了。