回复 :公元1235年,蒙古大军兵分三路南下,目标直指偏安江南一隅的南宋。出人意料的是,凭借犀利“斡腹”战术而所向披靡的蒙古铁骑,竟然在南宋的“三大战区”防御体系面前接连遇挫。直到忽必烈继任大汗后的公元1268年。蒙古突然改变进攻策略,决定从中路直取襄阳,由此开始了一场长达六年的攻守之战。一场博弈在两方素有渊源的主帅之间展开。一方是南宋叛将,对南宋战术打法了如指掌,且有勇有谋;一方是南宋主力,有着丰富的守城经验,城防坚固且装备精良。近六年的时间里,他们之间将会有着怎样的周旋与较量?究竟是什么成为了决定最后胜负的关键?这场战役的结果又将对南宋王朝、甚至中国历史的走向产生怎样的影响?
回复 :该节目是一档UP主水上实境闯关节目,每期集结至少12位玩家参与节目,进行运动游戏闯关。玩家们不仅要运用个人能力突破重重游戏关卡,也要在多重的关卡考验中展开竞争与合作,向终点高台发起冲击。在欢乐谐趣的轻松气息和紧张热烈的比赛氛围中,将乐观、向上、快乐、健康的青春风貌传递给大家。
回复 :The story of how police repeatedly allowed a serial murderer to slip through their fingers.Stephen Port date-raped and murdered four young gay men in East London within fifteen months and dumped all four bodies within a few hundred metres of each other.Yet Barking and Dagenham police failed to link the deaths, until weeks after the fourth one. The film tells the story through eyes of the families of Port's victims, unpicking how the police failed to properly investigate each of the deaths in turn. The police's assumptions that these young gay men had died from self-inflicted overdoses of chem-sex drugs allowed Port to continue raping and killing innocent young men.The film unravels Port's sinister character and modus operandi. Port was motivated by a desire to satisfy his lust for abusive drug fuelled sexual encounters. He found all his victims through gay dating and social media sites, using multiple online profiles.Barking and Dagenham police's failings have led to huge anger amongst the families of Port's victims. Some have accused the police of institutional homophobia, and asked if officers would have investigated more thoroughly, had four young women turned up dead within such a small radius.The Met police have referred themselves to the Independent Police Complaints Commission over their handling of the case and will not comment on specific allegations until the IPCC investigation is complete.