犬爱奇缘A divorced New York cop takes his son on a ride along with him on Christmas Eve.
犬爱奇缘A divorced New York cop takes his son on a ride along with him on Christmas Eve.
回复 :加拿大华人中的大哥龙浩天(邓光荣 饰)与意大利黑手党连番激战,连累妻子身亡,自己也在加拿大入狱,他将幼女琪琪托付给兄弟带回香港生活,铁窗生涯中,爱女的来信成了龙浩天唯一的慰藉,然而几年后,女儿还是消失于茫茫人海。十几年后,龙浩天出狱,他拒绝了想要跟他一起再度打天下的华仔(刘德华 饰)等小兄弟,返港寻找女儿的下落。经人指点,龙浩天找到了女儿在孤儿院时的好友“小龙女”(罗美薇 饰)及其监护人钱小凤(李美凤 饰),希望她们协助寻找琪琪,然而不小龙女却将龙浩天引入了与他昔日好友龙爷之手下李朋(任达华 饰)的纷争。女儿下落不明,江湖仇杀却再起……
回复 :A close-knit family is disrupted when the father fails to resurface during a professional dive. No funeral, no goodbye, just a house full of memories. Burdened by the elusive loss, Merel evades her husband's death and everything related to it. Her young children become entangled in their search for answers, eventually bringing the family to a hard stand. Merel has no choice but to face the loss in her own unique way, to start a new life together.
回复 :曾经有一位插队知青,平时调皮捣蛋。可是有一次因为意外事故,几个小孩子把生产队用来开山劈路的雷管点燃了,而雷管旁边就是一包炸药。这位知青奋不顾身冲过去,用身子捂住炸药,结果自己牺牲了,旁边的几个孩子得救了。林场曾经发生过火灾,有知青死于火灾中。这种事情在全国许多林场都发生过,其中有一些知青为了保护森林,在救火时牺牲了生命。随着社会经济的发展,绝大多数知青都陆续回城工作了,还有一些知青仍然留在林场和农村,为国家的森林建设和新农村建设贡献终身。