梁峥本为香港警队中著名的警花,怎料目睹丈夫为救自己而被击毙,痛心之余,性情也变得怪异,后争被委派前往新加坡执行任务,期间,她结识了身手不凡的助手玲(李婉华),不过由于玲年过三十,开始为自己 打算,故早已掉了拼搏之心。这对拍档来自不同背景与极端的心态下,调查军火线索,结果闹出笑话连篇。经过一番追查,终于在一小岛上得悉。
梁峥本为香港警队中著名的警花,怎料目睹丈夫为救自己而被击毙,痛心之余,性情也变得怪异,后争被委派前往新加坡执行任务,期间,她结识了身手不凡的助手玲(李婉华),不过由于玲年过三十,开始为自己 打算,故早已掉了拼搏之心。这对拍档来自不同背景与极端的心态下,调查军火线索,结果闹出笑话连篇。经过一番追查,终于在一小岛上得悉。
回复 :2248年,休眠的C40小队队长方毅(任天野 饰)和他的小队成员刘火(王韬 饰)、段依山(程汉 饰演)等被人工智能控制系统“长夜之光”唤醒,并将执行一项绝密任务——潜入基因药物研究中心,销毁所有药物及试验资料。而研究中心已经遭到Mr.Dee(丁海峰 饰)带领的黑羽会入侵,为了获得延长休眠的权限,C40小队必须接受这场生死行动……
回复 :John Kent (Randolph Scott), a former star football player at Harvard, goes to Paris with his friend Huck Haines (Fred Astaire) and the latter's dance band, the Wabash Indianians. Alexander Voyda (Luis Alberni) has booked the band, but refuses to let them play when he finds the musicians are not the Indians he expected, but merely from Indiana (Huck Haines and his Indianians Band).John turns to the only person he knows in Paris for help, his Aunt Minnie (Helen Westley), who owns the fashionable "Roberta" gown shop. While there, he meets her chief assistant (and secretly the head designer), Stephanie (Irene Dunne). John is quickly smitten with her.Meanwhile, Huck unexpectedly stumbles upon someone he knows very well. "Countess Scharwenka", a temperamental customer at Roberta's, turns out to be his hometown sweetheart Lizzie Gatz (Ginger Rogers). She gets Huck's band an engagement at the nightclub where she is a featured entertainer.Two things trouble John. One is Ladislaw (Victor Varconi), the handsome Russian deposed prince and doorman who seems too interested in Stephanie. The other is the memory of Sophie (Claire Dodd), the snobbish, conceited girlfriend he left behind after a quarrel over his lack of sophistication and polish.When Aunt Minnie dies unexpectedly without leaving a will, John inherits the shop. Knowing nothing about women's fashion and that his aunt intended for Stephanie to inherit the business, he persuades Stephanie to remain as his partner. Correspondents flock to hear what a football player has to say about feminine fashions. Huck gives the answers, making a lot of weird statements about the innovations John is planning to introduce.Sophie arrives in Paris, attracted by John's good fortune. She enters the shop, looking for a dress, but is dissatisfied with everything Stephanie shows her. Huck persuades her to choose a gown that John had ordered discarded as too vulgar. When John sees her in it, they quarrel for the final time.John reproaches Stephanie for selling Sophie the gown. Terribly hurt, Stephanie quits the shop. With Roberta's putting on a fashion show in a week, Huck takes over the design work, with predictably bad results. When Stephanie sees his awful creations, she is persuaded to return to save Roberta's reputation.The show is a triumph, helped by the entertaining of Huck, Countess Scharwenka, and the band. (A pre-stardom Lucille Ball, with platinum blond hair, appears uncredited in her first RKO film[4] as a model wearing an elaborate feather cape, after the vocal by Dunne, in the fashion show.[5]) The closing sensation is a gown modeled by Stephanie herself. At the show, John overhears that she and Ladislaw are leaving Paris and mistakenly assumes that they have married. Later, he congratulates her for becoming a princess. When she informs him that Ladislaw is merely her cousin and that the title has been hers since birth, the lovers are reunited. Huck and Lizzie, who decide to get married, do a final tap dance sequel.
回复 :随着璀璨的太阳落下,新年前夜的幕布缓缓铺开,在这本该充满着希望与温馨的一夜里,却仍有一群人各自身陷烦恼。时代广场表演秀主持人摩根(希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Swank 饰)正在紧张地做最后排演;朵伊(莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker 饰)正在与非要和男友过除夕的女儿海莉(阿比盖尔·布蕾斯琳 Abigail Breslin 饰)闹别扭;漫画家兰迪(阿什顿·库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)还沉浸在被前女友甩了的懊恼中,除夕只会让他更烦躁;而可怜的哈里斯(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)已经到了癌症晚期,只希望看最后一次时代广场的新年落球仪式……他们和众多被生活困扰的纽约人一样,在自己的小位置上忙碌,却来不及睁开眼睛看看,新年的恩泽已悄悄降临……