童话Following the death of their friend, two girls in their late twenties embark on a road trip to spread his ashes. Seph and Alex take turns driving. Dan is in the glove compartment, in tupperware, decreasing in volume as the trip progresses.
童话Following the death of their friend, two girls in their late twenties embark on a road trip to spread his ashes. Seph and Alex take turns driving. Dan is in the glove compartment, in tupperware, decreasing in volume as the trip progresses.
回复 :本片翻拍自1980年苏联同名经典影片。极富正义感的飞行员古辛(丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基 Danila Kozlovsky 饰),因违抗上级命令而被军队开除,成为民航机组的实习飞行员,并结识了精神导师津琴科(弗拉基米尔·马什科夫 Vladimir Mashkov 饰)和恋人亚历珊德拉(阿格尼·格鲁迪特 Agnė Grudytė 饰)。然而,在一次飞行中,突遇的火山爆发、恶劣的天气状况让机上的一切都失去了控制,机上所有成员命悬一线……
回复 :平凡女孩筱原绘里香(二阶堂富美 饰)在升入高中后,经常与时尚的朋友们凑到一起聊些关于男朋友的话题。虽然夸夸其谈,但是绘里香却从来没交过男友。为了圆谎,她只得拜托好友三田亚由美(门胁麦 饰)帮忙。为了打消朋友们的疑虑,绘里香在大街上偷拍了某位帅哥的照片,并谎称是自己的男友。意想不到的是,这个帅哥居然正是绘里香所在学校的头号帅哥佐田恭也(山崎贤人 饰)!为了将谎继续编下去,她只能哀求恭也假扮男友。幸运的是恭也居然一口答应了,然而看似温柔阳光的恭也,实则是个促狭腹黑的大男孩。他提议让绘里香变成他的忠犬,以作为假冒男友的报酬。已是骑虎难下的女孩,只能违心地向恭也摇尾乞怜……本片改编自八田鲇子于2011—2016期间在《別冊マーガレット》上连载的同名漫画改编。
回复 :October 24, 1944, the world's greatest battle at sea begins in the Philippines. Japan's navy gambles on a decisive victory against the United States to turn the tide of World War II. Instead Musashi, its top secret super battleship, ends up at the bottom of the ocean. How did this unsinkable giant go down so fast? Was it overwhelming American air power? Or a fatal design flaw? Now American deep sea explorers and Japanese military experts are determined to solve this 70-year old mystery. But first they must find the missing Musashi.