回复 :Ksyusha hardly remembers her father: he disappeared when she was still little. And now, 10 years later, his icy body is found in the mountains. Incredibly, he is showing signs of life, even though he is in a coma. In this state, he is brought home. Ksyusha's mother remarried a long time ago, and the return of the former owner destroys the quiet life of the family: inexplicable and terrible things that carry a mortal threat begin to happen in the house, and Ksyusha's mother is behaving more and more strangely ... The girl begins to suspect that together with her father in something supernatural, icy, lifeless has come to their home. And now Ksyusha and her stepfather have to protect the family from a demonic entity.
回复 :年轻英俊的魔术师沙飞,将西洋魔术演绎的精彩绝伦,惹来了身怀绝技却不思创新的魔术前辈沈浪的嫉妒,两人唱起来对台戏,沙飞的新魔术“移形幻影”沈浪怎么也猜不透,于是他派自己的助手宝琴假意去投奔沙飞,宝琴却爱上了沙飞,与沙飞的妻子陷入三角恋情,可是两个女人却发现沙飞拥有双重人格,沙飞在表演魔术的过程中失误将宝琴杀死,其实这一切都是沈浪设的局,最后沈浪终于知道沙飞“移形幻影”的奥秘在于他们是孪生兄弟,他害死了沙飞的弟弟想独霸舞台,结果在最后一场魔术中他输掉了荣誉,也输掉了性命。
回复 :前舞者伊娃(Eva)现在坐在轮椅上,无法行走。当她的朋友索菲(Sophie)在圣诞节前给她一个古老的木制古董降临日历时,她意识到每个窗口都包含一个惊喜,在现实生活中会引起冲击:其中一些很好,但大多数都是不好的-现在,Eva将不得不在摆脱困境之间做出选择日历或再次走动-即使它导致她周围死亡。 由 WTFilms撰写