回复 :犯罪学学生克洛伊假死闯入停尸房,以找回一份证据,证明她弟弟与一起犯罪有关。一旦进入,她很快就知道,可怕的验尸官利用停尸房作为病态和扭曲业务的掩护。随着一场可怕的猫捉老鼠游戏的进行,伊莎贝尔会发现停尸房最可怕的不是死人,而是活人。
回复 :多年前在地震中失去了妻儿的沙基布,是一个无家可归的工人。几年前,一位聋哑妇女拉丹走进他的生活中,让他慢慢从阴影中走了出来。沙基布现在工作所在的建筑工地是一部电影的取景地。为了参演这部电影,他不顾一切代价寻求机会并得到了一个角色。拉丹知道这件事后,来到了沙基布的工作场所乞求庇护。然而,拉丹的到来却很可能毁掉他这个千载难逢的机会……
回复 :New couple Na-ni and Joon-seo left the stuffy Seoul to try and start a cafe in the countryside. Behind the couple's attempt to change, they had some unspeakable worries, so they were sexless people who used their own rooms because they were not sexually compatible. Regardless of her husband's xiaokan.cc efforts to establish a relationship, her wife Na-ni has long been on an extramarital affair with her sex partner Dal-ho, who has been embroiled in a hit-and-run accident that she never thought of enjoying sex outdoors and is asked for a large settlement. Na-ni, who has been relying on her husband's financial resources since before marriage, kneels down to his victim Chang-soo and pleads for mercy, but Chang-soo, a farmer, persistently digs into her weaknesses and demands humiliating physical relationships. While Na-ni is falling into a rut for the creation of a rural village, her husband, Joon-seo, who has been complaining about his nervous wife Na-ni these days, is also beginning to open his eyes to her unique sexual orientation due to the charm of young, provocative part-timer Cheong-ah. What is the identity of Chang-soo and Cheong-ah, the farmers who are squeezing these couples, and the fate of those who are entangled like webs?