酱男A group of graduate students get more than they bargained for while searching for the legendary Bigfoot. Not only is he real, but there's something far more evil lurking in the shadows, the Wendigo.
酱男A group of graduate students get more than they bargained for while searching for the legendary Bigfoot. Not only is he real, but there's something far more evil lurking in the shadows, the Wendigo.
回复 :In 2018 a string of tragedies unfolded in North Eastern Nevada. A woman was found dead and another would vanish along the same stretch of remote highway. Could these events be linked to the 2017 disappearance of outdoorsman Gary Hinge?
回复 :五年前,汪静雯因丈夫出轨受刺激住进一家精神病院接受治疗。五年后,忘却一切的汪静雯被父母接回家静养,本以为平静的生活却不断出现真实血腥的画面:一个无头男子正向她慢慢靠近……
回复 :梁天辉年间,皇帝年幼登基,藩王林立,魏王挟天子以令诸侯,权倾朝野。假装昏庸的皇帝手握前朝宝藏,暗自联合江湖门派天香阁,意欲推翻魏王统治夺回政权。皇帝假意举办桃花节,想将藏宝图递交给天香阁,天香阁高手潜伏于桃花节准备策应,同时毒杀魏王,魏王得知消息重兵设伏,意图截获藏宝图,歼灭天香阁,一番腥风血雨之后,皇帝使节朱刚烈被魏王擒获。魏王为获取藏宝图不得不启用安插在天香阁的卧底花若兰,天香阁也启用安插在魏王身边的卧底阿牛,但在天香阁拯救朱刚烈之时,双方卧底花若兰和阿牛却灵魂相通,开始了两人嬉笑疯癫的缠绵情史,乱世儿女侠义心肠……