日韩What if one of the best days of your life suddenly turned into your very worst nightmare? And what if you were forced to relive that same day again and again?
日韩What if one of the best days of your life suddenly turned into your very worst nightmare? And what if you were forced to relive that same day again and again?
回复 :本片改编自英国作家阿瑟·柯南道尔的同名小说。讲述了巴斯克维尔庄园流传着一个古老的传说,庄园的主人总是意外死于非命。福尔摩斯派华生前去调查,遇见了许多谜团,随着调查的深入,幕后凶手也在渐渐逼近……
回复 :A mid-age hipster in Stockholm is a training freak and trains for the 90 km ski race Vasaloppet. His sister is the opposite, no job, drinks but has a daughter. Suddenly secrets reveals and promises are made.
回复 :朱莉娅·奥蒙德将主演杰克·马哈菲执导([神迹男孩])惊悚片[重聚](Reunion,暂译)。影片讲述了一对母女打包出售老房子的故事,随着超自然现象发生,女儿必须面对她的家系带来的创伤。本片目前已在惠灵顿开拍。