半江半江2005年 奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 最佳真人短片
半江半江2005年 奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 最佳真人短片
回复 :1945年4月,德国纳粹已成强弩之末,第二次世界大战即将落下帷幕,战火正转向德国本土。绰号“战争老爹”的坦克小队队长唐·柯利尔(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)刚刚与战友经历了一场殊死之战,疲惫和愤怒早已胜过了对战争的恐惧。休整期间,从没有过战场经验的打字员诺曼(罗根·勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰)被分到唐的坦克“狂怒”上。诺曼对自己的遭遇愤愤不平,也无法坦然接受新战友粗鲁暴虐的一面。接到新的任务后,唐带领坦克小队前往下一个城镇作志愿,然而一路上却遭到德军顽强的抵抗。最残酷的腥风血雨,让诺曼在悲伤、暴怒、惊恐和绝望中迅速成长起来,而他也即将和战友们经历一场最难忘的殊死决战……
回复 :文乐乐放学回到小区,发现杨奶奶被救护车拉走,非常担心和着急,于是和小伙伴们打算买海马给杨奶奶补身子。他们一路颠簸,最终因为渔船没油飘流在了海上,最终被警察和家长们找到。乐乐的父母非常愧疚,两代人之间心存的芥蒂终于释怀。
回复 :Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it nearly kills her. But the other performers assist in a unique plot for revenge. Jaque Catelain directs and stars in this film made for influential French director Marcel L'Herbier's production company. Some sources also list L'Herbier as co-director, as he is credited here. The film boasts some rapid-fire editing techniques that were decades ahead of its time.