日韩Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion of their idol and end up in a twisted series of horrors that force them to confront the limits they'd go for their dreams.
日韩Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion of their idol and end up in a twisted series of horrors that force them to confront the limits they'd go for their dreams.
回复 :sxe8.cc春暖花开
回复 :暑假到了,寄宿学校只留下总监Miss郑(张文慈饰)和四个学生愤祥(雷宇扬饰)、小丑(黄小莺饰)、Nokia(袁伟豪饰)及123(施念慈饰)。自从校工福婶(彭丹饰)的孙女离奇死亡,被弃置於冰箱内;而且福婶的小狗被割去头颅,一名转校生Connie(陈思颖饰)来到,连串怪事陆续发生。调查此案的于Sir(王敏德饰)险遇交通意外。Connie养父(李兆基饰)得悉一切时,便告之他们Connie是魔鬼的女儿,众人不信,反责他妖言惑众。
回复 :探索频道特别节目《星际穿越》的科学(The Science of Interstellar)。《星际穿越》邀请到了物理学家基普·索恩担任监制,涉及大量专业理论。本节目涵盖了片中关键要素的科学和理论。诺兰兄弟、制片人、包括索恩在内的众多科学家纷纷露面。马修·麦康纳亲自任解说。