午夜Simon and Kit, two young leaders of an Active Senior tour group, out on an adventure to a small-town rodeo festival located deep in the woods. It’s a great experience for the group… until they try to leave.
午夜Simon and Kit, two young leaders of an Active Senior tour group, out on an adventure to a small-town rodeo festival located deep in the woods. It’s a great experience for the group… until they try to leave.
回复 :Set against a backdrop of 1980s Lagos, struggling under the weight of austerity measures and the infamous War Against Indiscipline. In 'Swallow', Kunle Afolayan opts for a retro film look that pays perfect homage to a nostalgic past and this cinematic masterpiece will take viewers on a memorable ride.
回复 :在人间之外的天堂与地狱之战绵延不绝,双方都在为自己争取强力的战士。中情局特工西蒙斯(迈克尔·加·怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)厌倦了杀戮的任务,向上司威恩(马丁·辛 Martin Sheen 饰)提出退出,岂料却在朝鲜执行任务时被威恩害死。坠入地狱的西蒙斯与恶魔马里波吉亚达成协议,同意为它统率地狱军队来换得再生报仇的机会。被恶魔雪藏五年的西蒙斯再生回到人间,以再生侠之名示人,并在恶魔走狗——小丑的引领下向威恩复仇。此时研究生化武器着魔的威恩试图统治世界,而他的死亡会引发全球陷入生化灾难。为了复仇的西蒙斯能置全人类的安危于不顾么?
回复 :描述非洲某国娃娃兵的残酷人生。他们拿起卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪如同职业军人,年纪轻轻就杀人如麻,还强奸妇女。本片叙述年仅15岁的叛军首领“疯狗强尼”当娃娃兵的历程,和13岁少女拉奥科蕾逃离残酷战乱的故事。《疯狗强尼》曾获戛纳电影节“一种关注”单元最具希望奖。12岁以下不宜。