樱木A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious "Handyman" when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.
樱木A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious "Handyman" when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.
回复 :文慧(罗美薇)与友明头(刘玉翠)欲成为歌星,可惜文慧因家庭问题被迫到夜总会工作,因与黑帮头目B哥发生争执,惹祸上身,幸得车房仔阿忠(张家辉)及May姐(蓝洁瑛)、健哥(成奎安)相助脱离险境。阿忠对文慧情有独钟,但文慧一心仰慕新进男歌星Peter(吴大维)。另一方面,明头却对义薄云天的忠产生好感,一对女友的感情生活顿起波澜……
回复 :影片改编自擅长禁忌题材的作家大石圭的同名小说,讲述不被任何人重视的三井直人与学生时代第一次喊自己名字的女生时隔十一年再会,但是对方却像变了个人,三井为了监视她潜藏在她床底,爱的疯狂加速了他暴走的进程。
回复 :When phony stage mentalist Triton mysteriously acquires supernatural powers of precognition, he becomes frightened and abandons his act to live of anonymity.