戳屁A substantial insurance payment could mean either financial salvation or personal ruin for a poor black family.@www.molikan.com
戳屁A substantial insurance payment could mean either financial salvation or personal ruin for a poor black family.@www.molikan.com
回复 :In the year 2045, a Los Angeles Police Department detective and his new Android partner enter the Zone, a forbidden section of the city plagued with an unknown disease. There, they discover the source of the illness and uncover a troubling Government Conspiracy at the center.
回复 :特种女兵布伦纳·贝克和伴侣迪伦在亚拉巴马州的荒山野林里徒步旅行,误入黑帮毒贩的老巢。迪伦被残忍杀害,布伦纳有幸逃生。这群残暴的毒贩没有想到的是,布伦纳作为美国陆军第75游骑兵部队的第一中尉,誓让他们所有人血债血偿。
回复 :1900年北京,慈禧太后当权、中国领土四分五裂。端亲王力主出兵,并派义和团围困外国使馆,当千军万马兵临城下之际,美国军官义无反顾,率领各国联军作困兽之斗,终于扭转命运,杀出重围。