《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva)迎来一则好消息。虽然Lifetime台在年初决定取消该剧,将门但近日该台已经改变想法,将门续订第五季。早前制作室和电视台就第五季削减资金问题形成纠纷,现在双方已经达成了协议。志气高昂的模特死后被困到了胖胖律师简的身体里,故事围绕简的律师生涯展开。《美女上错身》第四季结局收视率创造全剧新高,达到276万。该集以一个重大转折收场,简的未婚夫去世,简真实的灵魂回到其未婚夫的身体里。
《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva)迎来一则好消息。虽然Lifetime台在年初决定取消该剧,将门但近日该台已经改变想法,将门续订第五季。早前制作室和电视台就第五季削减资金问题形成纠纷,现在双方已经达成了协议。志气高昂的模特死后被困到了胖胖律师简的身体里,故事围绕简的律师生涯展开。《美女上错身》第四季结局收视率创造全剧新高,达到276万。该集以一个重大转折收场,简的未婚夫去世,简真实的灵魂回到其未婚夫的身体里。
回复 :
回复 :Besides a love for hoops, it would seem that Lucas and Nathan are two young men with little in common - except for the dark secret that they share the same father. Arrogant and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team and hails from the wealthiest family in town. Quiet, brooding and driven, Lucas is a loner, the only child of a single working mom. He's always kept his distance from Nathan. But their lives collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathan's team. The rumor that's haunted the boys since childhood now becomes more than just whispers as the half-brothers compete not only for control of the court, but also for the heart of Nathan's girlfriend. So unfolds a deep and bitter conflict that's been years in the making; one that will play itself out in their homes, their hearts and at school as they struggle to come to terms with who they really are - and the fact that they may have more in common than they ever imagined
回复 :该剧根据人气推理小说家凑佳苗的同名小说改编。藤原龙也饰演一名从知名大学毕业,过着普通人生的32岁工薪族·深濑。户田惠梨香饰演深濑的恋人·美穂子,两人在一间咖啡专卖店相遇相恋。故事从美穂子某天收到了一份写有"深濑杀了人"的告发信开始,慢慢揭开10年前,深濑大学时代的挚友广泽之死的那场"事故"和"事件"背后的种种真相,以友情和赎罪为主题的悬疑剧。标题「リバース」包含反转(reverse)和再生(rebirth)的意思。