发影院U.F.O. Blue Christmas
发影院U.F.O. Blue Christmas
回复 :Eric (Corin Redgrave) is a novelist whose imagination is unusually powerful. While exploring a run-down mansion in the French countryside, looking for sites for his stories, he meets a girl dressed in clothes from another time. Returning to the site, he encounters a modern woman who says he probably met a ghost. He is fascinated by the situation which cannot be what it seems.http://www.dvdparadoxe.com/serail.html
回复 :唐景龙年间,坊间妖祸肆意,百姓民不聊生。秦杰(刘旭阳饰)作为太子李隆基的贴身侍卫,誓要与妖决雌雄,为了重振秦家威名,稳固大唐江山根基,他求助于湖底妖仙水月(于轩鸿灏饰)为其斩妖除魔。宫廷内斗、江湖纷争以及光怪陆离的妖界让秦杰倍感压力,在关键时刻,上仙水月为帮秦杰,不惜与魔头镜花为敌,血战群妖。神秘莫测的唐朝世界,虚拟离奇的各类妖仙,究竟谁才是幕后黑手?
回复 :本片改编自卢西奥·厄图比亚的真实生平故事,这位无政府主义者曾缜密策划伪造行动,对全球规模数一数二的银行下手。