回复 :这是一部发生在军营的轻喜剧。陈大虎(张良饰)和孪生兄弟陈二虎(张良饰)同时参军到部队,连队干部对这哥俩可伤透了脑筋。哥俩脾气秉性截然不同,大虎诚实、稳重,二虎则活泼散漫,但长相却让人难以分辫,哥哥做了好事安在弟弟头上,弟弟做了错事又安在哥哥身上。
回复 :Italy, late thirties. The regime of Mussolini are sent Italian volunteers to the civil war in Spain. On the background of a peaceful village landscapes, behind the walls of the old farmhouses Florianna creating its own dictatorship everything is run by her brother Guido, who requires unquestioning obedience to his will www.molikan.com. He believes all women around is his property, and, as a rooster in the hen house, he constantly confirm this action. His young son Alberto is his problem - all is not similar to the father. He dreams of breaking free from the dictatorial care. When his beautiful cousin Gloria comes to the estate, novel flashes between young people. Guido learns that his sister is going to bequeath her estate to his unworthy son. This heralds a tragic ending.
回复 :贝特朗·波尼洛取名于海明威名著的新片《流动的盛宴》(Paris est une fête)正在巴黎新桥一端废弃十年之久的商场Samaritaine内部取景拍摄,电影讲述了一群年轻的反抗分子白天在巴黎各大标志性地点放置炸弹,夜晚躲藏于百货商场寻求庇护的故事,导演把自己的这第七部长片形容成是“静止的西部片”。