回复 :埃斯特·布洛杰特是好莱坞一个很有发展前途的演员,她在正走下坡路的大明星诺曼·梅因举办的一次慈善募捐演出中崭露头角,很快就爱上了这个年长且深于世故的人。而诺曼也为她的天真活泼所深深吸引。诺曼为埃斯特创造了几次演出的机会使她一举成名,他们两人遂结成佳偶。埃斯特由于天赋极高,事业上的声望与日俱增,但这使得每况愈下的诺曼深感沮丧。后来他酗酒、脾气暴躁。埃斯特被生活中两种强烈的爱、即对丈夫的爱和对事业的爱所折磨着。在一个描写这两种爱的歌舞节目中,埃斯特怀着两种矛盾的爱又唱又跳,她用《出生在箱子里》来表达她早年渴望成名的野心和命中注定的经历,而她表演的《离去的人》,则使诺曼终于完全理解了妻子的伟大的公众拥有这样一位明星的权利。可是,若没有埃斯特的经常陪伴,他又无法生活下去,最后只好以自杀结束生命。埃斯特在哀痛中继续演出,并以自己的歌声来永恒地纪念她的丈夫。
回复 :While the rest of us - the other 7.9 billion people here on Earth - are going about our daily lives, looking straight ahead, there are another six people living off our planet 250 miles above our heads. These are the men and women of the International Space Station, whose home is a spaceship, an outpost in the cosmos. Drawing on breathtaking archive and interviews with astronauts, cosmonauts, colleagues and family members, THE WONDERFUL: STORIES FROM THE SPACE STATION brings together personal testimonies from the men and women who have been part of this extraordinary project - a remarkable achievement of technology, international collaboration, scientific endeavour and human bravery.
回复 :MAMMA + MAMMA is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still don't know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed by many vicissitudes, but when the desire becomes stronger than the pain and fatigue, miracles can happen.